Network Management Policy

HR Co-op maintains an open Internet for its customers, and with this principle in mind, this document summarizes HR Co-op’s network management practices and the performance characteristics and commercial terms of the broadband Internet access services that it offers to residential, business, school, library, and local government customers.

Network Practices

HR Co-op manages its network with one goal: to deliver the best possible broadband Internet experience to all of its customers. High-speed bandwidth and network resources are not unlimited and are particularly costly to deploy in the less densely populated rural areas that characterize much of HR Co-op’s residential service area. Managing the network is essential to promote the use and enjoyment of the Internet by all of HR Co-op’s customers. HR Co-op reserves the right to employ reasonable tailored Internet Protocol (“IP”) network management practices that are consistent with industry standards for such networks. Such practices would ensure that all customers and application providers have access to a fair share of HR Co-op’s network while not unreasonably discriminating in transmitting lawful broadband traffic. HR Co-op also tries to use tools and technologies that are minimally intrusive. Just as the Internet continues to change and evolve, so too will HR Co-op’s network management practices adapt to address the challenges and threats on the Internet. By engaging in reasonable and responsible network management, HR Co-op can deliver the best possible broadband Internet experience to all of its customers.

As technologies and customer needs evolve over time, HR Co-op may conduct trials of very limited geographic scope to explore new approaches toward network management. Such approaches may include offering tiers of service with different usage caps, assessing fees for exceeding such caps, adopting network management practices that are responsive to the degree to which certain traffic is sensitive to congestion, or a combination of these approaches. HR Co-op will provide appropriate notice to all affected customers prior to making any such changes as a part of a trial.

So long as traffic is not malicious or harmful to its network, HR Co-op does not block certain applications or classes of applications sourced from, or destined to, the public Internet. Rather, HR Co-op strives to provide the best customer experience for all types of applications.

Device Attachment Rules

HR Co-op permits its customers to attach any device to its network, so long as the device’s usage does not harm HR Co-op’s network or otherwise violate HR Co-op’s Acceptable Use Policy which can be found at Not all such devices, however, may be technically compatible with HR Co-op’s network. The technical compatibility of a device will vary depending on the broadband Internet access service to which it is being attached.

HR Co-op operates a Network Operations Center that monitors its network for abuse and fraud. When HR Co-op determines the presence of suspicious, malicious, criminal, or abusive traffic, or other activity that violates HR Co-op’s Acceptable Use Policy, HR Co-op temporarily may block access from or to its network to protect the security of its network and its customers. This measure may be triggered by, among other conditions, a denial-of-service (DoS) attack or by HR Co-op detecting an unusual amount of traffic that may be related to computers infected with malicious software viruses. If a customer believes that HR Co-op is blocking such traffic in error, the customer should contact HR Co-op’s Internet customer support at (541) 354-1233.

Performance Characteristics

Service Description

HR Co-op offers broadband Internet access services to its residential, small business, school, and library customers over various technologies throughout its footprint. These technologies include Fixed Wireless, Fiber-to-the-Home Passive Optical Network (PON), and Metro Ethernet (via various methods and standards). The availability of these specific technologies varies.

HR Co-op’s broadband Internet access speeds vary by customer location. HR Co-op strives to provision a customer’s connection up to the maximum advertised speed, but actual speed experienced by the customer will vary based on multiple factors, such as the condition of wiring inside a specific location or the electromagnetic interference on the customer’s line; general Internet backbone configurations and computer configuration; network or Internet congestion; and the server speeds of websites accessed. These variables can cause broadband Internet access service to perform at less than maximum advertised speeds. HR Co-op does not and cannot guarantee speeds.

HR Co-op runs a speed test server at  This speed test server is located _close to the egress points of HR Co-op’s network to ensure as accurate of testing of true internet speed as possible.

Impact of Specialized Services

HR Co-op offers other services using its network facilities, including Internet Protocol-based services such as HR Co-op voice over IP telephone service.  HR Co-op voice service traffic receives special quality of service (QoS) treatment due primarily to the latency sensitivity of the service, but it has no material impact on the overall availability of bandwidth capacity for Internet Services. HR Co-op regularly monitors data usage, congestion and capacity to decide where additional capacity in the network is needed for the mix of services it provides.

Commercial Terms


Pricing for HR Co-op’s small business broadband Internet access services can be found at, while pricing for HR Co-op’s large business broadband Internet access services is on a quote basis through our sales team who can be reached at 541-354-1233.   Pricing for HR Co-op’s residential broadband Internet access services can be found at Any applicable early termination fees are described in the broadband Internet access service offer and HR Co-op’s online Terms of Service which can be found at

Privacy Policies

HR Co-op’s network management practices are designed to provide the best possible online experience to its customers. To that end, HR Co-op monitors traffic flows between points within its network and between its network and locations on the Internet for purposes of providing security for its customers, planning for future needs, and ensuring that its network runs efficiently. Monitored information includes the amount of data sent to and from your connection, the source and destination of the data, and the type, but not the contents, of information sent and received. In limited circumstances, HR Co-op may also look into the contents of the information to determine whether it is malicious in nature (such as a virus, spam, worm, etc.) or when required by law to comply with judicial orders or regulations. HR Co-op’s Privacy Statement, which can be found at https:/, provides details on how HR Co-op protects its customers’ Personally Identifiable Information (“PII”) from inappropriate use.

Questions and Concerns

Customers with questions or experiencing broadband Internet access service problems may contact HR Co-op’s Internet customer support at (541) 354-1233. We have technicians available on a 24 x 7 basis. Internet edge providers may email complaints, questions, security concerns, and reports of Internet abuse to


HR Co-op reserves the right to update this Broadband Network Statement and will do so as circumstances warrant.